We offer the Railroad Explorer IV Trip Guide in print and digital, the six most recent issues of the chapter newsletter/magazine Lehigh Lines in both print and digital form, plus various books focusing on area rail history. We also welcome inquries about our Lehigh Lines archived issues; see link to directory below.
Railroad Explorer IV Trip Guide, Print, free shipping
Railroad Explorer IV Trip Guide, Digital
Lehigh Lines Newsletter and Magazine
Print Price Includes Shipping. Digital Issue Downloadable for 30 Days from Purchase.
Print Price Includes Shipping. Digital Issue Downloadable for 30 Days from Purchase.
Current Issue
Prior Five Issues
Archive Issues
We have magazine issues archived at least in digital form back to autumn 2011. An index can be viewed here: lehigh_lines_master_index.pdf
You can notify us of any interest by using our "Contact Us" page (click on "more..." in page index).
You can notify us of any interest by using our "Contact Us" page (click on "more..." in page index).
Build Your Railroad Library. Books are $10.00; second and additional books in the same order will receive a subsequent charge credit of $5.00 each. Shipping is $6.00 per order. Shipping via USPS.